Monday Made It!

I'm linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for the first time today with her Monday Made It. If you have not seen her blog you need to hop over and take a look around. She has been a great inspiration this summer. Every Monday she posts things that she has made for her classroom or home from the previous week.

My first project that I'm going to share are drawers that I'm going to use for my reading groups. I will be able to store the book that they will be reading as a group and the work that they will do with it in their own drawer. This will help me keep organized with each group that I will have. I made cute labels to go on the outside as well.

Project #2.. I bought shoebox containers and made labels for different supplies my students will be bringing in the first day of school. I will have these setup at open house and have my students sort the supplies they will be bringing in. I want to do it this way because there will be some students that won't be able to bring in all their supplies. I will separate them out and make sure each student has the right amount of everything. 
Click the picture to get your own supply labels. :)


  1. Very cute!! I'm teaching fifth grade too! AND this is my first year!!

    Amanda @ Surviving the First Year

  2. Crisp and Clean. Love your labels.

  3. Hi Ashley:

    What a great way to organize guided reading materials.
    That really got me thinking!

    I'm happy to be your newest follower.

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. So glad you were able to link up this week and hope you can come back next week:)))I love your labels and that is too sweet of you to share:) Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  5. I really love your labels! Great way to organize your materials. It won't be my first year teaching, but my first year teaching 5th grade beginning in August. I'm your newest follower. Stop by my blog sometime.

  6. Just found you through the link up and am your newest follower.

    Teaching Maddeness
    Come join my linky party!

  7. What a great idea for organizing. Thanks for sharing.



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