Monday Made It #2...For Me

Here is to another Monday Made It. I wish I joined this linky earlier this summer!

Project #1...
I had this tin lying around the house and it didn't have much use. I decided to spray paint it brown and use it in my classroom to hold the sticks for calling on students. I ended up cutting out vinyl polka dots of pink and white with my Cricut to dress it up a little.
Project #2...
Since I had the tin now to hold the sticks with student names on them. I had to finish painting my sticks. I painted half pink and the other half blue. I found this idea on Pinterest. Once I call on a student I put the opposite side down, that way I know what sticks I pulled out. (Sorry for the blurry picture.)
Project #3...
The next project came from Pinterest as well. You have been seeing everyone redecorate their clipboards in scrapbook paper or the new duck tape. Here is my new clipboard. I still want to add the cute ribbon at the top. I will definitely be making over my students clipboards once I get them from school.

Check out the other projects over at 4th Grade Frolics.



  1. Your tin looks fantastic! I love the pink and brown color scheme!

  2. Hi! I'm stopping by from the Made it Monday linky! I love the tin and the idea for the sticks! I have a cricut and some extra vinyl laying around from Christmas...hmmm...thanks for the idea!


    Third Grade's A Charm

  3. I love my cricut! I have decorated so much stuff for my classroom with it! I'm your newest follower!

    Fourth Grade Fanatics

  4. I LOVE the idea of the popsicle sticks and painting them two colors!! I am your newest follower! Thank you for the inspiration!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  5. What?!?!?! That bucket turned out so super cute! It looks awesome! Love your sticks to go in it too! Thanks for linking up:0)

    4th Grade Frolics


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