
Showing posts from July, 2012

Monday Made It #4

I'm so behind this week and need to get caught up today!! We had our county fair this past week and it was great! Justin Moore and Thompson Square performed this year and they sounded incredible! Now onto my projects that I have made this week. I'm linking up again with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics . Project #1... My inspiration came from this post she made a book that told about herself for the first day of school. Click on the picture and it will take you to her blog.   So I decided to do the same thing. The pages I used are: Mrs. Miller Family Pets Favorite Books My Favorite Things Here is my version. Project #2... I found this idea through Tara from her last Monday Made It. She used the Beach Ball poke game with multiplication. I went to the website of FlapJack Educational Resources and found the game Factor Pair Flip Flops. This game is similar but you have think of the factors that equal the number they give you. I made two g...

Fabulous Find Friday and a Blog Award!

Hey everyone! I'm happy to say that my blog was nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award! I want to give a big Thank You to Nichole at The Craft of Teaching for her thoughtful nomination! Make sure you hop on over to her blog and check it out! Here are the rules: 1. Follow the person (people) who gave you the award. 2. Link back to the person (people) who gave you the award. 3. Pass the award to 5 new bloggers and let them know they have received the award.   I want to pass this award on to: 1. Fancy Free in Fourth 2. Threadgill's Teaching Toolbox 3. Teacher-ific in 2nd Grade 4. Stay Calm and Teach On 5. The Groovy Teacher     Now on to my fabulous finds on a Saturday!   I was able to stop by the Dollar Tree and pick up some bright storage containers in my colors! I will be using the tote on the left for my "drop box." Students will be able to put their notes and lunch money in this instead of flooding my table in the mo...

Monday Made It #3

I'm linking up with Tara again from 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It. Let me just say that she has kept me on my toes for making items for my classroom. I don't think I could have stayed on task if it wasn't for this fun linky. For being a first year teacher, I didn't know where to start or what to make. I definitely have gained a lot of inspiration from everyone that links up. Now for my first project.... My sister gave me an old stool that I could use for my classroom. The thing was, it was nasty and needed and a new paint job. I painted it to match my classroom with the dots on chocolate colors that I will have in there this year.  I still had to do something with the top of the stool. Then I found inspiration from Swimming Into Second. My Inspiration My turn out  Project #2.... I was inspired by none other than Tara herself at 4th Grade Frolics . I used her copy of the Shared Writing Journals that I can use in my Daily 5. I a...

Fabulous Find Friday

I'm linking up with Elizabeth at Fun in Room 4B for a linky party called I went to Michaels a couple of weeks ago and scored some owl stuff for my classroom this year. The best part was most of it was $1! I'm going shopping again tomorrow to get stuff for my Monday Made It and will stop by Michaels to see if they have a couple more for the following school year. :) I have been trying to look for a rug to go in my classroom library area that was cute but cheap. I had one all picked out but waited a few days. This time I'm glad I waited because they added new rugs to Walmart online and I found one that matched my classroom colors perfectly. I can't wait to set this up in my classroom library. Now to get a couple of seats for the students. That may have to wait until I get my first check. I don't have any home finds since I have just been looking for my classroom lately. ~Ashley

Monday Made It #2...For Me

Here is to another Monday Made It. I wish I joined this linky earlier this summer! Project #1... I had this tin lying around the house and it didn't have much use. I decided to spray paint it brown and use it in my classroom to hold the sticks for calling on students. I ended up cutting out vinyl polka dots of pink and white with my Cricut to dress it up a little. Before After Project #2... Since I had the tin now to hold the sticks with student names on them. I had to finish painting my sticks. I painted half pink and the other half blue. I found this idea on Pinterest. Once I call on a student I put the opposite side down, that way I know what sticks I pulled out. (Sorry for the blurry picture.) Project #3... The next project came from Pinterest as well. You have been seeing everyone redecorate their clipboards in scrapbook paper or the new duck tape. Here is my new clipboard. I still want to add the cute ribbon at the top. I will definitely be making o...

Monday Made It!

I'm linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for the first time today with her Monday Made It. If you have not seen her blog you need to hop over and take a look around. She has been a great inspiration this summer. Every Monday she posts things that she has made for her classroom or home from the previous week. My first project that I'm going to share are drawers that I'm going to use for my reading groups. I will be able to store the book that they will be reading as a group and the work that they will do with it in their own drawer. This will help me keep organized with each group that I will have. I made cute labels to go on the outside as well. Project #2.. I bought shoebox containers and made labels for different supplies my students will be bringing in the first day of school. I will have these setup at open house and have my students sort the supplies they will be bringing in. I want to do it this way because there will be some students that won't ...

Summer Projects

Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July! My husband and I got to spend some time on the lake today with close family friends and his parents. It was a nice and relaxing day. Now even though it was a relaxing day, I did accomplish a few things. After looking for custom buttons that would link back to my page, I decided to design my very own. It took me a while to figure out the design and how to add it to my page, but I found some great tutorials. I also upgraded my Teacher Pay Teachers account so I can now sell some things! Now I know I told you I would share some of my projects that I have been working on this summer. So here it goes... Now for my very first project that I'm really proud of. Everyone has seen the teacher toolboxes on Pinterest lately. So I had to go out and by one because I will not be having a desk in my room this year. I liked this one better because of the big drawers. I spray painted it brown then printed the labels off on my cute scrapbook paper...


I have been debating back and forth to start blogging. At first, I didn't know what to blog about, but it dawned on me. I can start blogging about my first year as a teacher and the adventures I will encounter with my 5th graders. :) My summer has been busy with planning on how I will decorate and organize my room! I have been stalking pinterest (my new best friend) and other teacher blogs. I have came up with lots of creations and still waiting to make some more creations. Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees and I don't get a paycheck until September.  :(  I will share my creations in later posts. I also hope to inspire the non teachers as well. Hope you enjoy my journey as much as I will! ~Ashley